Sunday, March 23, 2008

Taiwan sign language (TSL) recognition based on 3D data and neural networks


Lee and Tsai implemented a vision-based hand gesture recognition system to classify 20 hand TSL signs. The system used hand features based on visual distances, and 8 reflective markers were placed on the hand to assist in these readings. The features are then sent into a back-propogation neural network (BPNN) that had 15 features as inputs and the 20 gesture probabilities as outputs.

The features used include the distances between a wrist point and the finger tips, and the distances between each finger pair (spread).

10 students tested the system and produced 2788 gestures, of which half went to training and the other half to testing. The authors tested on neural networks with 2 hidden layers varying in size from 25 x 25 to 250 x 250. The best results were with the BPNN with 250 x 250 hidden nodes, with a testing accuracy of 94.65%. Two gestures were heavily confused because the only difference was the length of the finger shown (i.e., the fingers were bent in one gesture).


This was a pretty decent use of neural nets, and I'm glad that they gave the results at different hidden layers and the recognition rates for each gesture. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm just glad they gave results. These are definitely the best results I've seen and quite promising: one of their main issues was a good feature to distinguish between bent fingers and non-bent fingers.

The differences between 150x150 and 250x250 are statistically insignificant, but they might be more significant when more gestures are added. I especially like that there is little discrepancy between training and testing sets, which hopefully indicates that their approach works for the general user.


Brandon said...

yeah, classification results were decent but there is still the issue of segmentation in order to make this practical in a real application. i don't think having users start every gesture from a predefined home position is acceptable.

Paul Taele said...

The in-depth results were a pleasant surprise to me as well. It was one of the few nice things in this paper. I was wondering myself about the accuracy results of their system, since it seemed pretty high. What Brandon commented did provide possible insight to that.