Yu and Cai's paper attempts to find corners in strokes by utilizing the stroke's direction and curvature information. Unlike Sezgin's corner finder, Yu and Cai's does not use speed data.
The corner finder first cheks to see if the stroke can be approximated by a primitive shape such as a line, arc, or circle. If not, the stroke is divided into two smaller strokes at the point of highest curvature. The system again checks to see if each of the subsections can be approximated by primitives, and the cycle of splitting the stroke and checking continues.
At each primitive approximation step, the corner finder looks at the direction graph of the segment to determine whether the segment is likely to be a line or an arc. The direction graph for a line is flat, whereas direction graphs for arcs and circles are sloped. To fit a line to the segment a least squares fit is used. To fit an arc to a stroke, a line is fitted between the first and last points of the segment. An arc is then formed to include the two end points and the point on the original stroke perpendicular to the midpoint of the line. The "center" of this arc (which can be viewed as a segment of a circle) is found, and to determine the error of the arc fit the corner finder calculates the difference between the area of the original stroke and the area of the beautified arc fit.
A circle is just another case for arc fitting, except the slope of the arc should be above or around 2 pi.
If the stroke intersects itself, another fit should be computed that takes into account the self-intersection points as corners. The best fit between the original computation method and the new, self-intersection method is taken to be the final corner set.
The corner finder "cleans up" the best fit by merging or removing segments. If a segment is short in length and not connected to two other segments it is removed (eliminates hooks). If a segment is short in length and connected to two other segments it is split down its midpoint and the two sections are attached to the larger shapes. If two segments have similar angles and proximity (touching, almost connected) then they are merged.
The paper also includes some basic object recognition, but it really is no more than some simple geometric classification combined with the fitting methods already described.
The system worked very well on lines, arcs, and polylines. Correct corner rates on these cases were in the mid to upper 90s. Yet, on hybrid line and arc shapes the system had mixed results. The system still failed to find corners where lines and arcs smoothly transition into one another and obtained a 70% accuracy in these cases. The accuracy for other cases was around 90%.
Yu and Cai's paper shows another method for corner finding, this time without using speed data. Yet, their approach was very similar to Sezgin's. Although it was described differently, the system still essentially looks at the current corner fit, adds another possible corner, and analyzes the fit again.
The main change in this system is the way that it handles circles and arcs. The approach would seem to be more accurate on some cases, such as circles. Also, looking at the slope of a large portion of the direction graph seems like a good technique to distinguish between lines and arcs.
Overall I was disappointed with the system's accuracy. It doesn't appear to be very significant from Sezgin's. The main issue I have with the corner finder is that the system still only uses curvature values to find corners. In a project I worked on last year I had to find edges within a digital image, and I think a modified edge detection algorithm might work well for finding corners. You start off by looking at a small segment of points and determine the least squares fit. Keep adding chunks of points to the segment until your least squares fit starts to level. When the fit starts to change again, backtrack a little and add a corner. Then repeat, creating a new segment starting at your new corner.
The method can detect more subtle differences in curvature that a global curvature threshold will not detect (the threshold for each segment is the local change). I'll probably implement this later if I have the time and see how it goes. I know one issue with this approach is that it can be computationally intensive if you have long segments.
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I have also wondered about where edge detection might fit in to the picture. My first question after your mention of it was about the efficiency of the algorithm and what does it vary on? Keep in mind that Yu's solution was doing corner detection in the background while the user is still drawing.
It looks like the edge detection routine might work well. Again, though, how do you determine a significant change in least squares error? This seems like small changes might be lost at the end of a long straight segment (for instance, a skinny rectangle), because the change in curvature would be washed out by the great fit of the straight line preceding it. Whereas curvature graphs, etc, may find these small changes.
And to address rg's comment, wouldn't this just be linear in the number of points?
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