Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Dynamic Gesture Interface for Virtual Environments Based on Hidden Markov Models

Qing, C., A. El-Sawah, et al. (2005). A dynamic gesture interface for virtual environments based on hidden Markov models. Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications, 2005. IEEE International Workshop on.


The authors of this paper used the HMM & CyberGlove dynamic duo in conjunction with standard deviations.

Qing et al. claim that using the standard deviation of finger positions allows them to fix the "gesture spotting" (segmentation/fragmentation) issue with a continuous data stream. The glove data is sampled at 10Hz, and then the standard deviations of each sensor are calculated. The standard deviations also help transform a series of vectors (observations) into a single vector. They then take this vector and perform VQ on it to get a discrete value.

The three gestures they used to test their system controlled the rotation of a cube. The gestures included 1 finger bending, 2 fingers bending, and a twisting motion with your thumb.


Sigh, no results. I have no idea how the system actually solves the gesture spotting problem because they are just trading the "is this observation the start of a gesture?" problem into a "does this standard deviation vector look like it might be the start of a gesture?" problem.

Also, with only three gestures standard deviations might work for distinguishing between gestures. But continually moving one's hand indicates that the standard deviation for every finger will be fluctuating wildly.

I now know more about the bone structure of a hand.


Brandon said...

yeah the authors in this paper spent more time explaining their methods (as if we have never heard of an HMM or know how many joints are in the human hand). i think the paper lacked a lot (including recognition results, number of supported gestures, explanation of how standard deviation magically removes the segmentation problem, etc.)

Paul Taele said...

I found this paper humorous. It read more like Haptics for Dummies than a haptics publication. It would have been nice had they included more than just three gestures, especially since other systems test on ASL's two dozen plus symbols. But I don't know if that'll make much of a difference if there's still no results to show.

Anyway, I didn't think it was ethical to not have results. I was wrong.