Monday, April 14, 2008

Glove-TalkII--A Neural-Network Interface which Maps Gestures to Parallel Formant Speech Synthesizer Controls


Fels and Hinton created Glove-TalkII, a system designed to synthesize voice using complicated glove and feet controls.

The artificial vocal track (AVT) is controlled using a CyberGlove, ContactGlove, polhemus sensor, and foot pedal. The ContactGlove controls 9 stop consonants, such as CH, T, and NG. The foot pedal controls the volume of the speech. Hand position corresponds to a vowel sound. Hand postures map to nonstop consonant phonemes.

The neural networks used include a vowel/consonant network to determine if the sensors are reading a vowel or consonant, and then separate vowel and consonant networks to distinguish between the phonemes.

A single user had to undergo 100 hours of training to be able to use the system.


Impractical. I'm shocked that they had someone train the system for 100 hours, and the fact that it takes a person that long to train the system should indicate that this is a poor way to synthesize voice. The person's final voice is even described as "intelligible and somewhat natural-sounding", which is not a good complement.

Requiring a person to walk around with a one-handed keyboard and type their words is a better solution. The keyboard wouldn't even have a foot pedal.

1 comment:

- D said...

I have a simpler solution than even a one handed keyboard: stylus and palm grafiti. Train with that bad-boy and you can speak like a Microsoft Sam champ.